Friday, March 2, 2007

Week 8 Thing 18

Well I think that zoho, couldn't be easier, from signing up to creating a document, to posting it to my blog (see below). Wow Microsoft Word could take a few lessons!!!! I also tried out the calendar/to do list. We'll see how it works.

Well here is my 1st test document. I don't really have anything to "document" but it is fun laughing to see and easy word document being created on the "web" with out Microsoft. I'm going to try and see if this tool "thinks for me" the way Microsoft Word does. If not I may find that I like this one better, since the "thinking for me" always messes up my document. So here's a list of my favorite things (not necessarily in order wink)to experiment with:

  1. Wolves
  2. Dogs
  3. Ice cream
  4. Hiking
  5. Gardening
  6. Scrapbooking
  7. Cats (o.k., o.k. any critter really!)
  8. Jamaica

Well that was easy! No software trying to convince me that I HAVE to bullet the next line, even if I indent it. I think I may try to post this to my blog and see if that's as easy!

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

I have found Zoho to be so cool - I'm glad you like it too. It is really useful for those library users who don't have anything to save their documents on.