Monday, March 12, 2007

Week 9, Thing 21

Well I added Libvibe to my bloglines account. It was fun to hear the "library news" even if the last broadcast was in November of 2006. It astounded me that Salinas was mentioned (even on a podcast!!!) due to the fending off of another fiscal hit to their libraries. (You'd think they'd learn from their past "almost closed down the libraries" fiasco, but apparently not!!) As far as "useful", I'm already a convert. I love attending seminars etc. at my desk instead of having to drive to some place else to get the latest and greatest. These could be done inhouse too if we wanted too. Hmmmmm

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LibVibe has been in continuous production since July 2006, releasing new editions twice a week. For some reason, the Yahoo! podcast directory is not updating it.

If you go to, iTunes or many other podcast directories, you will find the latest editions of the program and options for receiving updates as they are released.