Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Week 7, Thing 17

Well it took me a bit to get logged on to the Favorite Blog section, mostly because I didn't read the whole exercise 1st and so I didn't have the password. DUH!!!! Oh well it's a good thing I plan to retire early, cuz I don't think the brain would last till 65! I did have fun posting to the Favorite Vacations Spots section. I do hope I did it correctly though. I just added on to the Vegas "page" It seemed somehow, like I should have created my own "section", but I decided that maybe that was too blogish and not wiki-ish enough so..... I think I addressed the library and wiki's question in the last blog, but procedure pages from our intranet might be nice.

Week 7 Thing 16

Well I visited several of the wikiweb sites. I could see how it would work for a procedural intranet site as long as certain standards were maintained. Of the sites I visited it seemed the ALA wiki was the easiest to edit (no password etc. seemed to be required). I did like the subject guide wiki the best (from a patron's point of view). It was a bit "wordy", but it did have fun outside links, on your topic, plus the "books to read" listed.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

Originally uploaded by bods.

O.k. I have been the obedient worker bee and have read "Away from Icebergs", "To better bibliographic services" and "To a temporary place in time". I never know what to say about articles like this, but I want that flash drive so.... ;)

Away from icebergs: O.k. he's told us what he thinks is wrong, now come up with a way to fix it. Why is it these "doomsayers" always rattle on about what's wrong, but rarely seem to have solutions to fix their perceived problems. It's not that he doesn't perhaps have valid concerns, it's just that I'd like to see some suggestions to move forward with. For example: if the people won't come to us, how about we go to them. Could we have our own "Geek Squad", and perhaps expand the ILS system to some form of home/dorm delivery system? These are ideas that are completely off the cuff without any planning or even real thought, but at least they offer something positive to try, rather than just stating we "need to change".

O.K. this is me meekly stepping off my soapbox now. Perhaps I should cut down on the caffeine!

Learning 2.0 is a great way to find out what's out there on the web. I looked back at my flicker blog and saw that it was tough for me at first, but I had no problem getting this picture in this post. Perhaps there's hope for me yet! ;)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Week 6 Thing 14

Hello again! Well I did play with Technorati and I must say that I liked searching by the tags the best. It got me to the info I wanted without having to scan through other blogs that were about web 2.0 etc. Though the blog posts search screen did have a handy little directory that got me to learning 2.0 stuff fairly easily, and I liked that. Unfortunately, ADD eyes went straight to the blogs at first and didn't even see the directory. Not Technoratis fault, I just saw blogs and skipped right over the important stuff. The blog directory was o.k., but you still had to sort through all the listed blogs and many of them weren't about learning 2.0. You did get the shortened version and were able to see the tags so that helped. I still think I'd pick one of the other two search choices over the directory.

I also hit the "popular" area and had fun with the piano playing cat video and with Boing Boing.

Tagging seems like a decent option for "acquiring subject headings" for the "cataloging of materials" in the blogging world. Depending on how you search, it can give you blogs you don't want because it doesn't search as a phrase, strictly as individual keywords. Also what you would tag something, might not be what someone else would tag it. I think they need to turn on the "bat signal" and get "super cataloger" in there to clean all that up. You know "able to create order out of chaos with a single subject heading" ;)

Week 6 Thing 13

Well I checked out and I think it's neat, but perhaps more intriguing for people who spend more time surfing than I do. I don't have a ton of bookmarks so for me it's just as easy to use the bookmarks. (Though after 2.0 is done, I may have to start becoming a geek, cuz there is lots of fun stuff "out there") I could see how libraries could use this to find out what new and innovative "thing" is being done out there. The library catalog articles were interesting that's for sure. Some guy created his own "googleish" catalog and is sharing the coding for it with others. Not really sure if I think that's a good thing, but I'll leave that rant for another post! ;)

On to Thing 14!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Week 5 thing 12

Well Rollyo was fun, though I'm not sure why you wouldn't just use the Favorites catagory. I can see that it might help you find other sites on a specific topic without all of the potential garbage you might get with a google search. Anyway for those of you who enjoy canine critters heres the link to my searchroll

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Week 5 thing 11

Well I looked at the real estate site called propsmart. It seemed to have properties from all over and that was fun. (Planning that move for when I retire, you see! ;) ) I looked at campfire as well and took the tour. It could be really useful at work I think. It is a chat room site and I admit I've never "chatted" so maybe I'm too easily impressed, but it seemed easy to use. It allowed you to pick who you'd want to chat with by listing those individuals or deleting them. (It's good to have power, evil laugh!!!) But seriously, it did seem like it could work well for brainstorming on projects or between committees etc. Hmmm perhaps to even talk to several realtors about where I'll move to when I retire. ;)

Week 5 thing 10

Well I played with to complete my generator exercise. Here's my "error message" image. (Any excuse to eat!) Too fun, the possibilities are endless!